Lama Surya Das has spent more than 30 years studying with the great spiritual masters of Asia, including 15 in India and the Himalayas and eight years in a cloistered Tibetan retreat. He has brought many Tibetan lamas to North America to teach and reside. He is a leading spokesman for Buddhism and contemporary spirituality, as well as a poet, translator, spiritual teacher, and a lama in the Tibetan Buddhist order. Surya leads meditation retreats, workshops, and lectures worldwide. Lama Surya Das is the founder and spiritual director of the Dzogchen Foundation in Massachusetts and California, and organized the Western Buddhist Teachers Network weeklong conferences with the Dalai Lama. Surya is the author of several books, including the national best-seller "Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Modern World," and is active in interfaith dialogue. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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