Dr. David P. Gushee is Graves Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy and Senior Fellow of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership at Union University, in Jackson, Tenn. A native of Virginia, Dr. Gushee holds degrees from the College of William and Mary, Southern Seminary, Union Theological Seminary. Prior to joining Union's faculty, Dr. Gushee served on the staff of Evangelicals for Social Action and then on the faculty of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

At 39, Dr. Gushee is one of the leading evangelical voices in the field of Christian ethics and cultural/political engagement. He has written or edited six books, with two more forthcoming in 2001-2002, and has published dozens of scholarly and popular articles, book chapters, and reviews. His groundbreaking work on Christian behavior in Europe during the Holocaust--including his book, "The Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust" (Fortress Press)--established him as a leader in that critical field of study. He has written widely on a variety of subjects related to Christian life and witness, especially in the areas of social ethics and public policy. His current research and writing interests include work on poverty, political ethics, and divorce. His most recent book is "Christians and Politics Beyond the Culture Wars" (Baker).

Dr. Gushee has been married to Jeanie, a homemaker, poet, and nurse, for 17 years. They have four children--Madeleine, Holly, David, and Marie.
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