Have you ever felt stuck? No matter what you seem to try, you just can’t get the forward movement you desire. Let’s talk about some roots that may be holding you back.

1. Comfort zone- we all should know that you will not grow in your comfort zone. Growth comes from challenges, obstacles and even feeling so called stuck. If you want a different result you must try a different approach. I decided to go after my dream of becoming an author so there were steps I needed to take in order for that to actually manifest. BTW, I am still in my process and we all will stay in process. God will just take us to new levels once He feels we are ready. Anyways, the first thing I needed to do was to create a plan of action. First being, write. I must write everyday in order to grow and evolve. Come up with one thing and learn to do that one thing really well. You may still feel you are not making the progress you hoped but keep with it, it will come.

2. Let go of control- Surrendering is not passive nor is manifesting your destiny linear. Look for places in your life that have the biggest gaps. Are you a people pleaser? Are you unforgiving? Do you manipulate to get your way? Take personal inventory of who you really are or have become and then ask God to help you let go. If you are carrying junk then it’s really hard to know where your passions lie or what His plan is for your life.

3. Identify and break free from old beliefs that are sabotaging. Examples, I am not going to make it. I am not going to have have Godly love in my life. I am a failure. This is not where I wanted my life to be. I am too old, I am too young. I am not qualified. I’m running out of time.  What story are you telling about yourself? It’s time to change the narrative. God is the decider and since He made you, I think, no I know His plan is good. I am worthy. I matter. Identify the mindsets and replace those thoughts with power thoughts. Power thoughts bring real change.

4. Connect with Jesus- Jesus is the one that unlocks your truest self and deepest desires. Cultivate your relationship with Jesus so you can hear Him tell you the next step/s. Prayer, Bible time, groups, nature. So many ways. Will it still be challenging? YES!

5. Expand your field of support- Ask Jesus to bring those alignments you will need to get you to the next level. Connections, relationships. You cannot become yourself by yourself. Your power increases when you team up with others. For me, it would be editors, agents, publishers, mentors, other authors. For you something different

6. Give up wishing- The potential you feel for your life is very real! Realizing your destiny is like going for the gold. Commit, train, stay the course even when its tough, work on your gift. When you activate your destiny, you set off a chain reaction all around you as you reach higher.

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