joel and victoria osteen, joel osteen, joel osteen ministries, victoria osteenWhen Jesus walked on earth, He was on a mission from Almighty God. His mission was to pave the way for us to live in eternity with Him. Not only did He show us the way to everlasting life, He gave us the example of how we are to live here on earth.

All throughout scripture, we see that Jesus went around doing good to others. He encouraged people when they were down. He spoke words of life and hope. He lifted people’s burdens and set them free. He healed the sick and opened blind eyes. He looked for people to be good to, and the power of the Holy Spirit was upon Him in a mighty way.

If we want to see more of God’s anointing in our lives every day—if we want to experience His burden-moving, yoke-destroying power—we need to do what He did and be good to the people around us. Scripture tells us that as believers in Jesus, the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus also dwells in us (Romans 8:11). It’s up to us to activate that power by believing Him and then following His example.

Today, I want to encourage you to look for people to be good to. Why not start with your own family? I know people who are better to strangers than they are to their own family members. Even if you don’t see eye to eye, you can encourage someone’s heart. You can find ways to do good. You can pray for them and speak the Word of God over them. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you can be a blessing to someone. Even a simple note can lighten someone’s load and empower them with courage for the day.

Remember, Jesus didn’t go around condemning people; He went around loving them, encouraging them, and setting them free. He knows that we can rise higher, and we need to instill that same hope in others. I believe that as we follow after Jesus, as we do what He did, we will rise to a whole new level. We’ll see His power and influence increase in our lives so that we can live as His examples of love everywhere we go.

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things… (John 14:12, NIV).

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