Windows and Doors

That’s the question I was asked this week by the Newsweek and Washington Post editors of the On Faith section, in light of the fact that 33% of Americans admit to racial prejudice and 90% of us claim to believe in God. My immediate response? It’s an ancient tradition! The fact is that one can,…

There is actually a website called The Daily Hitler, and it’s not the product of neo-Nazis seeking their regular fix of the Fuhrer. It’s the work of Israeli artist Nir Avigad. And although I know I am going to get clobbered by both sides on this one, I have no choice. Why? Because we are…

What do you think about wearing an “Obamica”? How about covering your head with a “McCippah”? Well, now you can. A recent post at describes Shmuel Tennenhaus’ new business, and it newest products. Take your pick, but you can now wear a kippah (yarmulke in Yiddish), the traditional Jewish head covering, and support…

And I don’t mean the meat from the Agriprocessors plant in Postville, Iowa which packages as much as thirty percent of the kosher beef consumed in this country. But according to today’s New York Times, there are rabbis who disagree with me. They are coming perilously close to declaring that the meat from this plant,…

My recent post about Barack Obama’s Western Wall prayer drew the attention of American Spectator contributing editor Jay Homnick, who was mentioned in it. His comment: How could I be said to be abusing a religious tradition for partisan ends? I criticized Obama and his team for crass behavior and I demonstrated the basis for…

The following question was posed by the editors of the Newsweek/Washington Post blog, On Faith: The ACLU, joined by the ADL, has asked the U.S. Naval Academy to end prayers at mandatory meals, and yet all branches of the service employ chaplains. What is the proper role of religion in the military? My response, excerpted…

American Spectator contributing editor, Jay Homnick wins the award for the pot calling the kettle black. He charges Barack Obama with inappropriately “politicizing” the Western Wall and somehow violating its sanctity: “The Jewish tradition invests it (Western Wall) with a unique sanctity. It is said to have been the westernmost barrier of the Temple campus,”…

Steven Waldman concludes his post on the publication of Barack Obama’s Western Wall prayer note, with a request for responses to the candidate’s prayer. So here is mine: It’s a perfectly appropriate spiritual offering which even reflects many poetic formatics of traditional Jewish prayer. Obama’s prayer began with the needs of others before turning to…

Love it, hate it, or some combination of the two, but you gotta pay attention to Heeb magazine’s “Girls of 5769” calendar, featured in both the New York Post and Ha’aretz daily. The latter includes a video of an African-Amercian man looking at the pictures and remarking that “Jews should be respecting their women, and…

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made a surprise pre-dawn visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall on Thursday, at the end of a trip aimed at showing his strong support for Israel. Hoping that something truly interesting would emerge from Senator Obama’s just concluded visit to Israel and the West Bank, I waited…

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