Windows and Doors

With Rep. Peter King beginning hearings tomorrow, March 10 — hearings which will examine the issue of radicalization within the American Muslim community, two things should be stated very clearly: Islamic terror is real and so is Islamophobia. Denying the former is a deadly error, but addressing that real and pressing problem in no way…

Shoah, Claude Lanzmann’s epic documentary about the Holocaust, dubbed into Farsi, is to be broadcast on a satellite channel in Iran as part of a campaign to promote understanding between Jews and Muslims and to fight Holocaust denial. While it’s true that TV satellite dishes are illegal in Iran, probably to prevent broadcasts like this,…

Today’s 8-1 Supreme Court ruling defends free speech, not Westboro Baptist Church, its ideology or even its right to continue protesting at the funerals of fallen military personnel. Writing for the Majority, Chief Justice John Roberts was very clear about all three of these points when saying, “On the facts before us, we cannot react…

French Grand Rabbi Gilles Bernheim has suggested that the past forty years of unprecedented Jewish-Catholic dialogue could be undermined if it did not progress to a next level of maturity. Speaking at a gathering in Paris, France, Rabbi Bernheim was bold, brave and wise. “Many Jews have organized Jewish-Catholic dialogue so it is totally focused…

Headlines from a variety of entertainment, business and news sources are announcing the cancelation of Charlie Sheen’s long-running television program; Two and a Half Men. The reason why? A crazy rant delivered by the abusive and often drunk or high actor, on the Alex Jones Radio show. But wait, there’s more. The same articles suggest…

A variety of leading Ultra-Orthodox rabbis are speaking out regarding the political unrest which is spreading and deepening throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Their conclusion? It’s God signaling the coming of the Messiah and punishing the region for Israeli “contempt” for traditional Judaism as these rabbis define it. According to Rabbi Aharon Leib…

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has released its list of 2010’s “Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs“. Aside from wondering whether it should be called a “top 10” or a “bottom 10” list, I find the list, or really the spin used by those who published it, to be disturbing. Despite claims by both the center’s website, and…

Amidst the growing excitement these days about democracy breaking out all over the world, one might be tempted to call for greater respect for “the will of the people” right here at home. New polling by Rasmussen indicates that 65% of Americans favor prayer in our nation’s public schools. So why not give the people…

The past 30 days may go down in history as among the most significant 30 days in modern history. The events occurring all over North Africa and the Middle East are pretty amazing, to be sure. On the other hand, all kinds of events which were seen as potential game-changers ended up changing very little.…

This weekend was the 25th anniversary of world-renown human rights activist and Jewish hero, Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky’s release from the Soviet Union. In a fascinating interview with Jerusalem Post editor, David Horovitz, Sharansky speaks not only about his own struggles against totalitarianism, but also about important parallels between those struggles and those faced by freedom…

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