JERUSALEM (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made a surprise pre-dawn visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall on Thursday, at the end of a trip aimed at showing his strong support for Israel. Hoping that something truly interesting would emerge from Senator Obama’s just concluded visit to Israel and the West Bank, I waited…

It appears that the apprehension of former Bosnian Serb leader, Rodovan Karadzic, who was arrested for war crimes yesterday, was due more to ego and the love of costumes than to great police work. Years of searching for the architect of the ethnic cleansing which took the lives of thousands, did not locate him. It…

With 24 civilians wounded, one of whom lingers near death, and the terrorist himself dead (no, I don’t think they are morally equivalent, and I don’t mourn his loss. But like all of us, he had parents who will, and ignoring that fact will not help anyone–so why not acknowledge it from the outset?), I…

I leave the Madrid Conference for Global Religious Dialogue this morning with many things, including a mysterious gift, many questions, and genuine hope for the future. But the gift comes with the best story, so let’s start there. The phone in my room rang last night at 12:56 in the morning. I know exactly what…

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