Via Media celebrated in a DC-area parish Churches around the world yesterday celebrated El Dia de los Reyes Magos — the Day of the Three Kings — with pageants and presents. At St. Camillus, it was standing room only, and the pews were brimming with more than 1,000 worshipers. Although it is more common in the…

Rod Dreher’s account: We arrived early this morning at Blessed Sacrament church for the 10:45 Latin mass. The 9 a.m. Spanish language mass was just ending, and so many people were there I had to park the car some distance away. I don’t know if this is normal for that mass, but if so, it…

CWN’s Off the Record blog has interesting news about everyone’s favorite Heir of the Apostles down in South Africa, and has an interesting and spot-on list of episcopal achievements in 2003, as well. (scroll down a bit for that)

Here’s the USCCB’s comments to Congress on the proposal to make the Morning After Pill an over-the-counter medication.

Has anyone else had problems accessing Blogspot hosted blogs the past couple of days? Quite often, although not consistently, when I try to go to such a page, I get the Blogger homepage instead.

A commentor once again advises us to calm down, and compares the Da Vinci Code to any other piece of historical fiction. The point is missed, and by a wide mark. Dan Brown begins his novel with a page entitled “FACT”, a page which contains assertions that the Priory of Sion is real, as is…

A NYTimes Magazine article about the response of the Episcopal Church of Virginia to its bishop’s vote to confirm Gene Robinson What’s interesting (among other things) is the appeal to “the future” on both sides. Bishop Lee’s wife asked him if he wanted to be part of the future, or left behind. The opponents of…

Part 2 of Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel’s detailed critique of The Da Vinci Code . Very, very helpful content and resources. Put it on your list to forward to all your DVC-luvin’ friends.

about a former lawyer for the Cleveland Diocese – , the lawyer, you might say, whose life has taken a downward spiral since he left the diocese, appeared on 60 Minutes II, and since, mysteriously, can’t find work. Charlie describes the Cleveland Diocese during his 22 years there — Pilla became bishop in November 1980…

According to CT’s Film Forum

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