Except me. One woman’s tale of why she "had" to get an abortion – because she couldn’t get a "Plan B" emergency contraception pill, ended up pregnant, etc.

I’m still in good health, but unlike the last time I was pregnant, nearly a decade ago, I’m now taking three medications. One of them, for high cholesterol, is in the Food and Drug Administration’s Pregnancy Category X — meaning it’s a drug you shouldn’t take if you’re expecting or even planning to get pregnant. I worried because the odds of having a high-risk pregnancy or a baby born with serious health issues rise significantly after age 40. And I thought of the emotional upheavals that an unplanned pregnancy would cause our family. My husband and I are involved in all aspects of our children’s lives, but even so, we feel we don’t get enough time to spend with them as it is.

I felt sick. Although I’ve always been in favor of abortion rights, this was a choice I had hoped never to have to make myself. When I realized the seriousness of my predicament, I became angry. I knew that Plan B, which could have prevented it, was supposed to have been available over the counter by now. But I also remembered hearing that conservative politics have held up its approval.

All terribly sad.

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