I just spoke to a women’s group at our parish (very pleasant time! My talk was short and simple – I looked at all (well, many of) the saints remembered today, January 8, and just chatted about what they might have to teach us as we approach a new year. Bookeneded by Pope Benedict, you’ll not be surprised to learn), so I’m killing time here at the library across the street w/Michael, until Joseph gets out of school. Not enough time to go home and come back.

So I’ll clean out the email box and point out interesting links. Don’t forget Delicious, which is update many times a day!
Chatting about Doubt. Over at A Nun’s Life, some religious sisters are talking about the film. Which we tried to see a week or so ago, but was…sold out! If anything we didn’t expect that.
Aimee Milburn, who blogs at Historical Christian and studies and teaches about topics related to evangelization, has news and information about a course she will be teaching on door-to-door Catholic evangelization. Very exciting stuff!
A reader wrote in a while back about a NYTimes article on Phyllis McGinley, but notes the absence of any mention of her Catholicism in the article – her Saint-Watching is still in print, I believe, and really one of the most wonderful introduction to saints one could read  – not simply for the information, but for the approach, which celebrates the humanity of saints, how holiness emerges from life and specificity and the importance of saints to the Catholic sensibility.
A friend passes on an article that recently ran in the Toronto Globe and Mail on Jean Vanier. Quite good.
As well as letters that Vanier exchanged with another writer from the paper. Here and here and here.
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