Scenes from the conscience of a 3-year old.
Setting: Regular readers of this now-lame blog recall that Michael the Little has been seized by the Muse and has gone through a stage of coloring the wall instead of napping.
I’ve not yet bothered to clean off the artwork, but as far as I can tell, the Muse seems to have temporarily departed. Except for last night when she returned, moving him to draw on the arm of the couch, even as a piece of paper sat right in front of him on the end table.

Anyway, last weekend, we were discussing the nap in his future.
Me: If I read you a story and put you in bed, will you just draw on the wall again?
Stares at us for literally 30 seconds. I’m not kidding. Finally.
Michael: If I did, I would say it was what I did before…
Or should I entitled this post…”St. Thomas,call your office. We need to look at that whole “Age of Reason” thing again.”
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