The toll is growing and fears of catastrophic disease are mounting in Burma.
Gashwin is keeping a list of relief efforts and agencies updated.
This blog – Myanmar Relief – also seems to be a good place.
From the Weekly Standard, “Abetting Burma”

Indeed, the same U.N. institutions that have accommodated and “engaged” the Burmese government are stupefied by how sluggishly the regime has responded to this disaster. Meteorologists in India say they warned Burmese officials at least 48 hours before the cyclone slammed into the country. Yet state-run media failed to issue timely warnings to villagers in the storm’s path. As thousands of tons of relief assistance sat idly along its border, the government dithered over whether to issue visas allowing relief organizations into the country. A U.S. offer to divert three Naval ships in the Gulf of Thailand to assist relief efforts was rebuffed. Earlier this week, many aid workers were still being denied visas.
“Running the country on a combination of internal repression and xenophobia,” writes Kenneth Denby in the Times (London), “the junta seems not to have made up its mind that this is a tragedy that it cannot remedy on its own.” The government’s craven disregard for the survival of its own people in the midst of this catastrophe, the worst since the 2004 tsunami, should surprise no one. It is the easily predictable reflex of a brutal and paranoid regime–aided and abetted by U.N. apologists and a culture of human-rights hypocrisy.

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