Envy, definedWe had marvelous weather for most of the week we spent at Drake’s Island. It was hot and sunny, which made the water almost swimmable. Well, it was swimmable for many, but not for me. Been there, done that – Maine ocean temperatures were the only such thing I knew until I was in my 30’s, so I feel no obligation at this point to do anything but dip in a couple of times to test my own mettle, and then get out and bake.

So we walked the block or so to the beach every morning. Just about the same time as we settled, this Quebecois clan settled next to us – one of many Quebecois clans on the beach, not surprisingly. This family group came well-equipped, as you can see, with the nifty bright yellow wagon chock-full of toys.
For a moment each morning, all some of us could do was stare.
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