I find the Google Blog search to be a really useful tool (more user friendly to me than Technorati) for sort of exploring what people are saying on a given topic, and more importantly, giving me little windows into how people around the country and the world are experiencing big realities at a local level – those who choose to blog about it, that is. So I did a little bit of Summorum Pontificum blogsearching, and here’s what I came up with:

This blogger has a lengthy, interesting interview with a diocesan priest about the MP.

This blogger has a brief account of what was said in his parish about it – plus a description of the music at this past Sunday’s Mass – an enviable program.

The Lake Charles (LA) Latin Mass Society has a blog, and an interview on said blog with a priest from the diocese. (The diocese’s new bishop, Bishop Provost, had approved the offering of the Mass according to the J23 Missal in June, before the MP was issued. Its celebration had been ended under Bishop Braxton.

Finally, The Suburban Banshee has a beautiful post here.

Has anything been mentioned in your parish about it? I wouldn’t expect it, myself, but if you heard or seen something in the bulletin, post here.

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