HWTN (Holy Whapping Television Network) is back on the air!

8:00 PM. Luminous Mysteries Movie of the Week. Barat: Cultural Learnings of 19th Century Catholic France Make for Glorious Benefit Nation of America.
In this movie film, busload of bewildered monoglot French nuns led by Sister Madeline Sophie road-trip across strange nation United States in borrowed Citroen bus in attempt destroy Freemasons successfully consecrate nation to Sacred Heart. Is nice!

10:00 PM. Rick Steves’ Travels in Vatican City. Part 300 of 471. Intrepid backpacker Rick continues his (at times creepily exhaustive) journey through the Holy See. This week: several air ducts, that boring stretch of corridor on the fifth floor between Cardinal Sodano’s old office and the water fountain, Ingrid Stampa’s medicine cabinet (mmmm, mercurochrome) and an empty drawer in Archbishop Ranjith’s office.


8:00 PM. Saturday Night First Vespers Movie: Holy Office Space.

And Fr. Torquemada said, "I don’t care if they excommunicate me either, because I told, I told Cardinal Caraffa that if they move the dungeon one more time, then, then I’m, I’m getting myself lacized, or something. And, and I told the Archbishop too, because they’ve moved my prie-dieu four times already this Lent, and I used to be over by the door to the sacristy, and I could smell the incense, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston thumbscrews, but I kept my red Swingline thumbscrews because they bound up the accused a lot better, and I kept the special spikes for the Swingline screws and it’s not okay because if they take my screws then I’ll set Castel Sant’ Angelo on fire…"

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