This morning, Archhbishop Naumann of Kansas CIty (KS) and about 100 others gathered to pray the rosary in front of a local Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Kansas City Catholic has a report and photos.

And..the great online zine MercatorNet has a great, sharp new look. Many worthwhile articles,  including this one by the invaluable Jennifer Roback Morse, who writes of the recent report on abstinence programs – remember the headlines declaring they "don’t work?"  Her conclusion is interesting – classroom-based sex ed programs, no matter in what ethos or methodology they are based generally "don’t work" much at all. What does seem to work, (in reducing teen sexual activity)  aside from social factors like family status and involvement in teens’ lives, are models that are not based in classrooms, and some that do not even mention sex.

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