Ian of the excellent Catholic bookstore Aquinas and More has a blog, Musings from a Catholic Bookstore.

He also has an intriguing new project that will require a lot of assistance – a wiki-type page for review of Catechetical materials: Catholic Catechetical Review.

His intro:

Thank you for visiting the Catholic Catechetical Review Wiki. This Wiki is meant to be a repository for reviews of Catholic religious education materials. This includes material listed in the United States Bishops’ Conference Conformity Listing of Catechetical Texts and Series as well as resources that are not on the list.

The reason for this project is that there is not any resource for those who not only want to know that a text doesn’t contradict the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but also whether the content of the program is complete, accurate and actually of substance.

Ccrlogo This project grew out of a series of blog posts critiquing my daughter’s First Communion preparation course.

We recommend reading this article for background on the current state of religious education materials in the United States and also recommend this link for some existing reviews of religious education texts.

This is a worthy, important, and pretty substantial project. The USCCB Catechetical conformity reviews, as he notes, only go so far, and don’t cover all materials. So go check it out, and if you are interested and capable – get involved.

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