Is this the most exhausting off-year election ever?

Or is it simply because the pace of information just continues to speed up and the amount of it we can access just multiplies. I’m just an observer,  and it wears me out as I gingerly dip a toe in the waters of news and punditry every morning. I wonder sometimes if there’s a breaking point of news – if there’s going to be a point at which the whole edifice collapses in some way.

So all I can offer is a bit on Amendment 2 in Missouri. I really don’t know how it’s going – I read optimism, pessimism, dueling celebrities – but what are the numbers?

A few links from non-mainstream sources

Kansas City Catholic blog has a report and photos from a vote no on A. 2 rally today, at which Bishop Finn was in attendance.

The Leaven – the newspaper of the Kansas CIty KS diocese, has a special section – Clone Wars.

Wesley Smith has many stories and commentary.

American Papist on the ads.

Moving a bit further west, A Denver Post article on the Catholic bishops of that state – with an interview with Chaput –  and the election. (Both candidates for governor of CO are RC, BTW)

The National Coalition of American Nuns makes its voice heard:

In an "open letter to Catholic voters," the National Coalition of American Nuns provides an alternative to the church hierarchy’s voter education efforts in Colorado and nationwide, said Sister Mary Ann Cunningham of Denver, a board member.

Opposing war and treating immigrants with compassion are included in a list of seven issues outlined by the group. Mary Ann Coyle and Anna Koop of Denver and Sallie Ann Watkins of Pueblo are the other Colorado nuns on the board.

The letter also states, "We encourage respect for the moral adulthood of women and will choose legislators who will recognize the right of women to make reproductive decisions and receive medical treatment according to the rights of privacy and conscience."

And…looking at Drudge tonight. Is Webb toast?

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