Just a note on this blog and what it is and what it’s not.

First off, it’s over five years old now. Rather amazing.

Secondly, while I used to do all-news all the time, I have been trying to back off from that, and am going to redouble my efforts in that direction. I have no interest in commenting on everything that’s going on, and no time to post on everything, so don’t come here thinking this is Catholic Blog Central. I’m going to seriously try to refocus the blog a big – I have to, for the sake of my own creativite energies, which need to be forcibly directed elsewhere. Some people are really gifted bloggers and can write beautiful blog entries that are quite fine, but I tend to the Lazy Blogger end of things, quite frankly – blogging to make myself feel as if I’m accomplishing something, but when actually…I’m not.

So..more history, more books, just as much Benedict, and probably just as much wistful Rome and Italy blogging because I can’t get it out of my head…probably one or two big issues a week – I hae a monster liturgy post brewing in my head…But I think the news end of it needs to come down a notch or two. We’ll see. There are many great Catholic newsy-blogs and site…you know where they are!!

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