Blogger Kevin Jones was at Archbishop Chaput’s recent town hall meeting on immigration and has some nits to pick with the report I blogged earlier:

Now for my take: First, the Archbishop was very intellectually modest. He acknowledged that bishops weren’t specialists in immigration. If anything, he seemed to pass off to the laity all the real work on finding a soution, though arguably this is the right thing to do. He reminded people of the mercy and justice due to the poor, and sounded caution about what some impending proposals could do to families, like those residents who are half-legal and half-illegal. He favored a good work visa program that requires workers to head back home for a few weeks a year, with the hope they’ll maintain family connections. As it is now, illegals don’t go home for fear they can’t get back in.

He disavowed open-borders, and payed more than lip service to the necessity of a secure border.

More. Kevin also has a digital recording of the meeting, in case anyone is interested.

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