Wesley Smith reports on the innovation of a San Antonio clinic:

The instrumentalization of human life continues to spread like a wild fire. Apparently, a San Antonio fertility clinic is now going to make embryos from donated egg and sperm, not to help the biological parents get pregnant but for sale to infertile couples. The Abraham Center of Life claims to have begun the first "human embryo bank," which will apparently sell fresh, custom made embryos for implantation (rather than use frozen embryos). Better chance to get pregnant, the press release crows. And no chance the biological parents will be emotionally invested in the embryos thereby requiring the would-be birth parents having to "sell themselves" as suitable. They may see pictures of the gamete donors, including what they looked like as babies, but will never have to actually talk with them.

Now, being pregnant is a life-changing, formative experience with profound spiritual implications, but…

Why not just adopt, you know, a…baby already born instead of creating an embryo to…adopt?

(Or buy)

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