The memorial page for little Joshua Schmeidicke, son of Andrew and author Regina Doman Schmeidicke, is filling out, with texts of his mother’s eulogy and other tributes, including a guest book.

Fr. Benedict Groeschel was in attendance at the wake and offered remarks, including this:

In what was the most moving part of his remarks, Fr. Benedict said, "I am standing here today because of a series of modern miracles of medicine.  I should be dead.  And when I heard about Joshua’s accident, I thought to myself, ‘Why am I here and this strong little boy is not here?’  I think that, now, every time I hear of a parent dying, or a child dying.  Again, I ask why.  But that is not the question I can ask.  What does God want me to do because I am here?’

Regina and Andrew, in the coming days you will ask yourself why.  But you must instead ask what.  What does God want you to do?  And that should keep both of you busy."

Words for all of us…
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