Former political prisoner Armando Valladares slams Cuba’s bishops:

The Cuban Catholic Bishops Conference (COCC in Spanish) that now urges the faithful to pray for the health of the Red Wolf, has never publicly dared ask for prayers for their decimated flock, including the thousands of political prisoners agonizing in Castro’s prisons and all those unjustly condemned and executed.

Trustworthy witnesses in Cuba say an unprecedented tension among the people and a heavy silence filled with expectation has taken over the streets; it is a silence so tangible it could be cut with a knife.

Some even go as far as to say that all it would take is the cry, ‘the wolf is naked,’ to unleash upheavals like the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Ceaucescu’s bloody dictatorship in Rumania.

The shepherds chose precisely this critical juncture to sound the alert to prevent "internal events" from disturbing the artificial and fraudulent "peace" which in Cuba is nothing but the fatal peace that follows the firing squad.

Once again the shepherds shield the wolf rather than come to the defense of their own flock.

The next day, the Cuban Bishops’ communiqué was echoed by none other than the Cardinal Primate of the Americas and Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Msgr. Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez. He not only called on the Dominican people to pray "for the health" of the tyrant but branded as "inhuman" the legitimate hopes of the Cuban exiles who went to the streets of Miami to express their hope that the physical deterioration of Castro might bring a prompt liberation of the island. (Cf. Listin Diario Digital and La Plana Digital, Dominican Republic, August 4 & 5, 2006).

Related: a Miami Herald article about how Protestant and Catholic groups in the US are preparing for any greater freedom that might result from a power transition.

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