Translation courtesy of Teresa at the Papa Ratzinger Forum:

He spoke on the family, of the transmission of faith through the family, and then added this after the Angelus:

I am following with growing apprehension the events in Iraq and the Holy Land. Faced on the one hand with blind violence which causes atrocious massacres, and on the other, by the threat of a worsening crisis that has been growing more dramatic daily, there is a need for justice, for a serious and credible commitment to peace, which unfortunately, we do not see.

Because of this, I invite everyone to join together in confident and persevering prayer: that the Lord may illuminate hearts and that no one may fail to participate in working on peaceful coexistence in the acknowledgment that every man, whatever people he belongs to, is a brother.

From July 3-5, an important summit of religious leaders will take place in Moscow, organized by the inter-religious council of Russia. At the invitation of the patriarch of Moscow, the Catholic Church will take part and is sending an appropriate delegation. I wish to extend my cordial wishes to Patriarch Alexei II and all the participants .

The significant meeting of so many exponents of the religions of the world indicates the common desire to promote the dialog between civilizations and to search for a more just and peaceful world order. I hope that, with the sincere commitment of everyone, areas of effective collaboration – in respect and reciprocal understanding – may be found in order to face present-day challenges together.

For Christians, it means learning about each other ever more ptofoundly and respecting one another, in the light of the dignity of man and his eternal destiny. As I give assurances of my prayers that God may render the work of the Summit fruitful, I invoke on everyone abundant blessings from above.

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