Fr. Guy of Shouts in the Piazza was in attendance at the episcopal ordination of Most Rev. Daniel Thomas as Titular Bishop of Bardstown and Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia and reports:

It was also great to hear the traditional chant "Te Deum" after Communion as the new bishop made his way around the cathedral blessing the congregation. They even used the solemn tone! Too bad it was marred by some idiots beginning not one but six rounds of applause in the middle of a moment of prayer like cheering sections. I think the two other rounds of applause the bishop received in the ordination rite itself were sufficient. Even in a nice liturgy like this one too many still think the music is "background" instead of an actual prayer.

Here’s the video.

On Tuesday, the Diocese of Venice, FL, saw the ordination of its new co-adjutor, to be Ordinary, come Januray, Bishop Frank Dewane.

During one solemn moment of the grand ordination ceremony for new Coadjutor Bishop Frank Dewane at the Epiphany Cathedral in Venice on Tuesday, Nevins was called upon to anoint Dewane’s head, applying a few drops of holy oil.

But Nevins got the packed church of 1,600 laughing out loud as he gave Dewane a scalp rub as if he were a father teaching a son how to apply hair goo.

"That’s so Bishop Nevins," diocesan spokeswoman Heather Felton whispered.


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