Tim Drake has a profile of Bishop Finn of KC in the NCR(egister) – a counterpoint of sorts to the anguished crie de cour from the other NCR a few weeks ago. (the interview with Bishop Finn was conducted before the NCR(eporter) article appeared).:

Bishop Finn attributes his desire for clarity to Pope John Paul II. While a deacon, and in preparation for his final year of studies for the priesthood, he stood in St. Peter’s Square as Pope John Paul II first came onto the balcony after his election in October 1978.

“I consider myself a John Paul youth,” said Bishop Finn. “We have been inspired by the likes of John Paul II and the ways that he taught us about the value and importance of trying to speak the Gospel with clarity and with love in the midst of our culture. He reminded us that we are in a culture of death and darkness, and we have to promote a Gospel of light and life.

“The youth have told us straight-forwardly that they want to know the authentic teachings of the Church and want to try to live them,” he continued. “The New Evangelization is a kind of re-evangelization of people like myself and others who were baptized Catholic or Christian. In the new millennium, I think we have to be very basic.”

Kansas City Catholic is a blog focused on doings in that diocese, including a reaction against Finn, which hasn’t yet reached the Internet, it seems, but is being circulated in pamphlet form at this point.

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