Readers will remember the situation of Jeremy Hand, adult son of Traditional Catholic Reflections’ Stephen Hand. Jeremy has suffered severe brain damage, was considered "hopeless," but now his father reports:

Today we got a call from the acute care facility where he is, saying what we already know, that his progress has been steady, repeatable, and they are ready to transfer him, as a brain-injured person to a brain-injury facility to further assist in regaining capacity. They have documented everything—as did the doctors—- from the first. As he comes to, slowly more and more, he looks appropriately worried about his condition and predicament which we try to explain to him. People can say what they want, but we consider this a spectacular ongoing development through the prayers of John Paul II and St. Walburga —whose intercession we sought—-after the doctors had him as "gone" and urged us to withdraw everything, all support, even a feeding tube. Body and soul were never parted in our son. That’s for sure. Don’t always believe the doctors.

Pray for the Hands and for all in this situation – and lend a hand if you can. And remember –  someday, at some point, some how, it won’t be "them" in that type of situation. Besides, in the Christian’s eyes, there is no "them." It’s only "us," willingly suffering together, in hope.

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