This note, from a reader, addresses an issue I’ve been grappling with for a while, but not blogged on because it’s so complicated, and I have nothing definitive to say, just questions. It’s not just Yahoo, of course. It’s Google, big time.

My husband and I belong to a Yahoo Group with a Catholic base (all members, all topics are related to our faith).  A recent discussion involved our use of Yahoo (edited below):


I have read more than one article about Yahoo’s complicity in handing over internet users in China to be tried as criminals.  Today this article ( gives me pause to ask: [as Catholics] we are to consider the oppressed and underserved in all that we do.  Should we boycott Yahoo’s services as a way to protest their practices?  I raise the question to spur conversation. I think we should consider a course of action because in all things both big and small it matters what we say and do.   Where are we on this?

I would be inclined to agree with you.  The fact that China provides us with so much stuff that we do not need, should not justify our overlooking their human rights record and policies.  Part of our role is to be a witness and a model in our support for those that are oppressed, and suffering.  To the best of my knowledge, and ability, I do not buy anything from China and haven’t for years.  Realizing that this could compromise our ability to share information within the group, I would support not using Yahoo, and letting the company know the reason.  My guess is that we would find that not using Yahoo would not be that much of a

sacrifice for us, after all the USPS still functions, and they are not affiliated with China, well, I don’t think that they are.


I agree.  . . . But I would add – as one of my bosses once told me – if you bring me a problem you best come with a solution in mind. Like he says – it is everywhere.

After some back-and-forth posts, I decided to ask you if you knew of any Catholic alternatives to using Yahoo for our Group.  I tried searching but couldn’t come up with an appropriate term that yielded any results

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