I hadn’t heard this – thanx to the reader who passed it on: CU Prez says no to VM:

Father David M. O’Connell, President of Catholic University, commented on the issue.

"I have read the play and have actually seen it performed on a television broadcast…I find the play crude, ugly, vulgar and unworthy of staging or performing at CUA in any venue whatsoever. I believe that CUA, its excellent Drama department, and the cause of promoting the dignity of women deserve much better than this play and can find much better expression than this play presents. In addition to the affront and offense posed to Catholic teachings and values by some aspects of the play, it has become a symbol each year of the desire of some folks to push Catholic campuses over the edge of good and decent judgment. Sooner or later, someone has got to simply say ‘enough.’ I am saying ‘enough’ and I’ll take whatever criticism is hurled my way as a badge of honor for CUA, its mission, its values and all that it represents. I took this position last year, this year and I’ll take it again next year and every year I am here."

The decision made by the administration has seen opposition from the students who were producing the play. "I think the ‘powers that be’ have forgotten to trust their students. We are good, smart, artistic, strong young women," said Kelsey Grouge, a senior Drama major.

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