Rachel Balducci has tagged me and she swears it’s easy, so I’ll go ahead and do the meme, as a way of easing into my day..

Four Jobs I’ve Had

1. The "del" (that’s what they called it) at the Fountain City K-Mart in Knoxville. I usually worked 11 to 9, so it was my job to clean the area thoroughly every night, including the slicer. The oddest thing about it was that we were – all of us, employees of a store in a major corporation – paid in cash.

2. Theology teacher.

3. Parish Director of Religious Education.

4. Freelance writer. That’s literally it. Those are all the paying jobs I’ve had.

Four Movies I Watch Over and Over Again

1. The Third Man

2. An American in Paris

3. On the Town (Gene Kelly theme duly noted…mmmmm!)

4. Pollock. Don’t ask me why. It’s on a lot, and I find it bizarrely hypnotic.

Four Places I’ve Lived

1. Bloomington, IN

2. Lubbock, TX

3. Dekalb, IL

4. Lakeland, FL

Four TV Shows I Watch

1. Good Eats

2. Lost

3. The Office, US (yes, despite my initial skepticism, I’m slowly catching on)

4. Sopranos…someday!

Four Places I’ve Vacationed

Nogales! Oh, well, never mind…

1. Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona

2. Montreal, Quebec City, Nova Scotia

3. Sanibel Island, FL

4. Milledgeville, Georgia

Four Websites I visit daily

1. Annunciations

2. Catholic Outsider

3. Asia News

4. Fodor’s Travel Discussions

Four of My Favorite Foods

1. Grapefruit. Yeah, I know. But…

2. Olives

3. Salads with lots of olives, peppers, and a strong vinagrette

4. Fuji apples

Four Places I’d like to be right now

1. At a beach on the east coast of FL

2. Sanibel Island

3. With all of my kids, in one place.

4. In a movie theater, without a one-year old on top of me.

Four People I’m tagging:

1. Eve

2. Dom

3. Jeff Miller

4. Martin

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