Yesterday, the Third Sunday of Advent?

Interesting that we had no rose-colored vestments at our liturgy. The music was unmemorable, and the homily was along the lines of what Michael decided is best defined as "the red herring homily,"  – that is, setting up a situation which really has little to do with anything, unless it is the homilist himself’s own inner life. In this case it was setting up John the Baptist, then stepping back and announcing repeatedly how "crazy" this must seem to the world – to, as JtheB, did, declare that he was not the one to be looked for, that another was coming. To refuse to celebrate oneself was the crazy aspect.

I normally do not care for late morning liturgies, but getting up and out early in the cold, snowy mornings is sometimes just too much of a challenge, so we hit this late Mass at which they have children’s Liturgy of the Word. Although they say it’s for K-5 children, we make Joseph go anyway, and Katie goes with him as his support staff, as well as to help in general. I’m normally not one for dividing the congregation out, but with Joseph – I’ll take it.

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