From writer Peter Feuerherd:

The crew of your blog fans was so helpful the last time around, I would like to draw upon them again. I am doing a story for US Catholic, with the theme being: "What to do when Ned Flanders moves next door." (in case you are not a Simpsons’ fan, Ned is Homer’s straight-laced and annoying evangelical Christian neighbor).
Ned, of course, is literally a cartoon character. But he is representative in many ways. What I’m looking for are reactions from Catholics responding to their neighbors, co-workers and family members who are aggressively evangelical. Do you get into arguments with them about religion? Do you like them as people but find their witnessing to be awkward? Do you feel they dismiss the possibility that as a Catholic you might very well also be a Christian?
Contact info after the jump

They can respond to my email at or, if they prefer, call me at 718-997-6184 (I will quickly call them back so they won’t run up a phone bill).
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