…that Fr. Richard McBrien is the hired gun consulant on the DVC movie. Perhaps it’s a natural step for him, who can say? Nevertheless, news of his work was published in the Notre Dame magazine last spring. Letters ensue: (scroll down)

I was saddened but not surprised to read that Father Richard McBrien will consult on the movie script of The DaVinci Code. I suppose that someone with the temerity to criticize on national television the late John Paul II during his funeral would also find it acceptable to help write a script based on a book that spreads falsehood about the Catholic Church and denies the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Rosemary Bogdan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

We are informed, in your spring issue, that Father Richard McBrien, the Crowley-O’Brien Professor of Theology, has been hired as a consultant on the forthcoming Hollywood production of The DaVinci Code, and that the book "airs a number of provocative theories, including . . . that His (Jesus’) divinity was fabricated centuries after he lived. One would think, since our university is "where the Catholic Church does its thinking" that you could come up with a more accurate description of the DaVinci Code‘s theories than "provocative." Say, for example, "heresy"? Or is Our Lady’s University so desperate for attention and acceptance that such things as defending the Faith do not matter as much anymore? I hope Father McBrien gets Tom Hanks’ autograph.

James T. Brennan, ’89
Bronx, New York

Dan Brown’s ludicrous when measured theories cited in your news column only emphasize the affinity that McBrien must have for the project. The first — that Christ was married to Mary Magdalene — is not a theory but a fantasy. The second — that Christ”s divinity was only claimed centuries after his death — is demonstrably contrary to historical fact. Producers of the movie couldn”t have found a more appropriate theologian for their purposes. Congratulations to McBrien for sliding into his proper niche!

Tom Riley ’82M.A.
Napa California

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