…of course, and have been. All went well – good crowd, a blog-reader or two (Hi Kevin!), etc. Some adventures the next day as we crossed the border for a short Canadian jaunt, but right now I’m too busy to elaborate. To put it more bluntly, I’d much rather blog with you than do what I have to do – finish revising a copy-edited manuscript that’s supposed to go to design, I guess next week. I’d rather blog than revise because, well, it’s just so depressing to read over everyone’s dissection of what you did wrong (or at least what they think you did wrong).

But it must, must get done by Monday, so back to work.

The good news seems to be that Amazon or whoever has their act together, so they’re shipping De-Coding in 2-3 days, they claim.

Still in the top 100 at BN and still have copies here, which I try, if possible to ship out the same day as ordered, next day at the latest.


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