Church at the crossroads At least three matters of global consequence are shaping the pre-conclave discussions among key cardinal-electors. Collapsing Catholicism in Europe. Europe is committing demographic suicide, as no Western European state has a replacement level birth rate. At the same time, Catholic practice in Western Europe is at historical lows. Churchmen believe these…

What South African bishops do. Kind of an interesting contrast. South African Catholics were called on to send a “Tip for Trevor”, advising Finance Minister Trevor Manuel to introduce a basic income grant for the poor in his forthcoming Budget. In a media statement, Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference spokesman Father Mathibela Sebothoma said the…

Traditionalists let loose on Pope Fellay, Lefebvre’s successor, spoke at a news conference at a hotel near the Vatican to present a 50-page traditionalist’s assessment of John Paul’s 25-year papacy. The booklet said ecumenism, as dialogue and cooperation among Christian churches is known, “has transformed the Holy City that is the Church into a city…

I mean, really. It’s hard to figure out exactly what PBS is anymore. It seems as if its evening programming alternates between three-hour specials on the construction of a bridge and five-hour beg-a-thons framed around some guywith wavy hair playing the violin in front of adoring crowds, which is strange since he’s playing with an…

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