Here at Catholic Exchange.

A note about all the qualifications at the beginning of the piece. See, when you write for the Catholic press (this piece, abbreviated, originally ran in OSV), you have to fight against the deeply-held sentiment for many of your readers that watching anything rated PG-13 or above is a sure ocassion of sin. Ask a certain writer who used to write for a certain Catholic publication who penned a positive review of American Beauty if you want to know what I mean.

(Not that I agreed with him on American Beauty, by the way!)

So, the wretched qualifications? Had to be done. So shoot me.

And all I have to say in the wake of this generally dismal last few episodes of S&A, is this – saw previews for The Sopranos last night. Cannot. Come. Too. Soon. Bring it on, Carmella, bring it on.

I am not opening comments on this quite yet – I don’t have time to monitor. But I will open it up tonight, I promise. GOT to finish a chapter.

Comments open.

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