Okay, Ono, we can all hear you. You can stop crowing now!

By the way, you didn’t watch the caucuses unless you watched the caucuses – on C-Span – on both, if you have them. They had different feeds on CSPAN and CSPAN2. Fascinating, and not in a good way. It reminded me of picking sides at dodge ball, literally. Why do these people in this process get so much power?

If you watched it, you saw the skinny guy with the beard in the knit cap racing around trying to get people to caucus for Gephardt – I think, and then you saw the precinct chair from someplace, a large fellow with a ponytail, punching in the phone numbers for part HQ to give his results, repeating the phone number and his precinct’s PIN out loud into the mike as he pressed the buttons, and having to do it a couple of times.

“Hey! They say someone already called and all our delegates went for Al Sharpton!”

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