I’m going to tell you that I’m going to shift the direction of this blog, just slightly.

The thing is that I have a lot of work to do in the next five months, work that just got some more work piled on top of it.

I have a book due in June, then there’s a book series for which I am serving as general editor that will be formally introduced in late spring that requires much ongoing work, I’m anticipating the manuscript for my book on prayer, coming out from Loyola in the fall, to be coming my way some time soon for content, then copy editing, I have another project for OSV that I’ve agreed to do that needs to be done fairly quickly, and then I’ve agreed to write a book in the next two weeks that will come out, God willing in late April.

Yeah, you heard that right. Gotta write a book over the next two weeks. (About 80 manuscript pages. I can do it, yes I can!).

I knew about most of this before Christmas, and you know, from that standpoint, everything looks pretty rosy. Different year, a vast expanse of months before you….

But now – it’s almost February. Ack.

So, I’m going to try to force myself to shift this from being such a news blog (which is hard because I truly am a news junkie) to being more of a entry-a-day reflection blog. Now that doesn’t mean y’all can’t still send me links. Please do, and when good ones come along, I’ll post them. But I’m not going to be doing so much web-meandering. I just can’t.

We’ll see how long this lasts, eh?

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