Truths You Can Use

A famous philosopher once visited a church to give a lecture entitled “A Critique of the Existence of God.” His lecture took place in the church’s fellowship hall. It was very well attended, with over one thousand people. Yet, after a while, the professor noted that the audience was beginning to leave. Finally, when only…

Can science prove God? For the last several centuries this question would have seemed absurd. Galileo was forced to recant his discoveries before the Pope. Darwin faced vociferous opposition from religious quarters. Today, however, a new way of thinking has found expression among devout scientists. Perhaps its most articulate representative is Frances Collins, the former…

“Most men worry about their own stomachs, and other people’s souls. We all ought to be worried abut our own souls, and other people’s stomachs.” –Rabbi Israel Salantar

As President Obama said, the jury has spoken. The case has concluded. One side won, and another side lost. Yet, no one is happy. A 15-year-old boy is dead. Grieving parents will never be the same. What now? Some want to continue the conflict. Facebook and twitter are filled with words of vitriol and vengeance.…

Independence is an American virtue. This country was built up by pioneers who left their familiar ways behind. They sought a new life free of the old dependencies. How do all the famous Western films end? With John Wayne riding off, alone, into the sunset. Yet, independence is only half the story. Interdependence–shared sacrifice and…

The Hebrew languages contains an array of hidden meanings and insights. Rabbi Daniel Lappin probed many of these in his book Hidden Treasure. One of the most intriguing is the word for face, panim. It is in the plural form. The “im” ending in Hebrew is the equivalent of adding an “s” in English. Yet…

Friends, Following up on the popularity of this piece on how five rabbis understand Jesus, I’m including a snippet from a recent lecture I gave on the Jewish background of Jesus. The full lecture will soon be available on my website. I’d love to hear your thoughts, and let me know if I should add anything!…

  For every complex question, as H.L. Mencken once put, there is usually an answer that is “clear, simple and wrong.” His observation rings true when it comes to a question I get at least once a week. What do Jews believe about Jesus?Jews as a group rarely agree on matters of Jewish belief. How…

A biblical scene haunts me every time I read it. Moses stands alone in the cleft of a rock. He has led the Jewish people out of Egypt. He has devoted his life to God’s service He yearns to see God’s face. But God refuses. “You shall see My back, but My face shall not…

We live in a world full of distractions. Sometimes it feels hard to work with focus for any significant amount of time. My brain wonders, twitter beckons, and I suddenly feel hungry for my fifth snack over the last 3 hours.  My friend and teacher Michael Hyatt recently gave some superb tips on how to…

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