Now, on SIT-A-LONG with JUNDO, we begin our trip through Master Dogen’s

Fukanzazengi (The Standard of Sitting-Zen Recommended for Everyone)

We will compare and contrast various translations, two by my teacher (Gudo Wafu Nishijima) and one by the Soto Zen Text Project … Each day, we will take a sentence, a phrase, one word or the space between words, as we move on through …

Today, we discuss the highlighted words:

Tazunuru ni sore, dô moto enzû, ikadeka shushô o karan,

Now, when we pursue the truth, the truth originally is all around: why rely upon practice and experience? (NISHIJIMA)

The Way is originally perfect and all-pervading
. How could it be contingent on practice and realization?


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