The New Christians

I introduced Flory and Miller’s book,  Finding Faith: The Spiritual Quest of the Post-Boomer Generation, earlier this week.  As sociologists, Flory and Miller have no axe to grind, thus I find their taxonomy of the emerging movement inherently more honest than mine or Kimball’s, Dricoll’s, McKnight’s, Pagitt’s, McLaren’s, or Stetzer’s. And, honestly, they’re not really…

OK, I’m serious about this. I’m not even being snarky. Really. If you are one who thinks that homosexual sex is sinful, can you please explain to me WHY a gay or lesbian person who is in a long-term, monogamous relationship would not be able to wholeheartedly follow Christ? My only stipulation is this: You…

I’ve been generally unhappy with the existing taxonomies of the emerging/-ent church movement that are out there.  The most well known, I suppose, is Ed Stetzer’s triptych: Relevants: “They are simply trying to explain the message of Christ in a way their generation can understand.” Reconstructionists: They “think that the current form of church is…

So says McSweeney’s: Generally, I now think I can do more for the planet as just a guy who used to be God instead of the guy who currently is God, you know what I mean by this? Life is too short to compromise time and resources…it may be tempting and more comfortable to keep…

I’m self-employed. That means that I pay for the health insurance premiums for all five members of my family — it’s about 9% of my monthly gross income. But, because I’m not part of a group plan, the plans available to me aren’t very good, so each member of my family has a $5,000 deductible…

Well, if you register for Christianity21 by midnight (CDT) on Friday, you’ll be entered to win a private lunch with her.

see more Funny Graphs Before you post an angry comment, repeat this 10 times: Yes, I do have a sense of humor.

It seems that the “Church” of Scientology has jumped on the marketing language of the emerging church movement if their Google Ad Words campaign (on my blog feed!) is any indication. We have definitely jumped the shark. HT: Simon Willer (aka, Cheese Danish).

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