Scot had a nice post on blurbing last week.  My own endorsement requests have dropped significantly of late.  I guess “blogger” doesn’t have as much cache as “national coordinator of Emergent Village” on the back cover. In general, I agree with Scot: don’t summarize the book; don’t over-blurb; etc. However, I disagree with him on…

After his much debated post, The Bible & Homosexuality: Enough with the Bible Already, Adam Walker-Cleaveland is now tackling Jack Roger’s book, Jesus, The Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church chapter-by-chapter. (Rogers is a polarizing figure in the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Adam is still Presbyterian, though he works at a Methodist church…

Over the holidays, my mother was attempting to explain Mormonism to a 14-year-old boy who lives with her and my dad.  He’s got a Mormon friend and he was wondering about that faith, especially because he’s in confirmation class this year and learning more about Christianity. My mom looked at me and asked, “Are Mormons…

My deep, deep thanks to my guest bloggers last week: Keith DeRose, Carla Barnhill, and Anthony Smith.  They may continue to post this week to run out the string on their thoughts.  And I hope to have them back in the future.  If you took last week off from blog reading (as I did), I…

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