An interview with me on the issue of gays and the church just went live on the new interfaith website, Patheos. Q: In a now famous post, you came to the conclusion that GLBTQ folks can “live lives in accord with biblical Christianity” and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned by church and…

Probably the most anticipated element of Cornerstone that I was involved with was a panel discussion entitled, “Gay Rights or Wrongs,” which was a conversation about how the church should approach the issue of GLBT persons. (I wrote about other aspects of Cornerstone last week.) This was an exceptional moment in the 26-year history of…

For the rest of the week, I’m going to look back on my experience of the legendary Cornerstone Festival. What many are going to want to hear are my thoughts on the panel on which I sat which dealt with the issues of GLBT persons in the church. That’s coming, for sure, but I’m going…

Do you think that Christian leaders who publicly support same sex marriage, gay rights, etc., should be pushed out of the closet? Last fall, I publicly affirmed gay marriage as a Christian and biblically virtuous lifestyle. Of course, not all Christians agree with me. But some do. In fact, some Christian leaders do. Last weekend…

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