Last week, “Perfectly Human” featured a reflection by a Mary Ann Jansen. She described the process of leading a writer’s circle for adults with Down Syndrome. Today, Mary Ann agreed to share some of the reflections these adults offered to the questions:

What is Down Syndrome?  How would you explain it to people?

How do you live with it? What challenges do you have? What do you want people to know?  

Responses taken from Writing Our Lives by adults with Down Syndrome.

jackirettig.jpgParents who have children with Down Syndrome might have children who struggle with stuttering. People with Down Syndrome have difficulties when they have an extra chromosome like I have. It’s never easy to have Down Syndrome because they might not speak that good. They need all the love. That is how life works with or without Down Syndrome. I have it and I turned out ok.

Jackie Rettig

Dear Everyone,
I want respect from people. Do not judge me for who I am. People in society now a days, think they know everything but I’m here to tell you that you don’t. I want people to know that I am just a regular person who happens to have Down Syndrome. Sometimes some people are confused when they see me. They don’t see what I see. I’m just a regular person who happens to be a people person. Do not be so judgmental. I am a likable person who works at a regular job and will stay there.         Bob Effler

chadmayer.jpgDown Syndrome is a chromosome we all have but there is an extra one. It is something really special. We were born that way. It’s a gift from God. That is why it is so cool to have and no one can judge me on my disability, on Down Syndrome. No one can judge on it. 

 Chad Mayer

Down Syndrome is when an extra 21 chromosome is in someone. They might have health problems like a heart problem.
I use to deal with teasing and being bullied when I was in school. I really want to be treated like everyone else because I feel like I am being rejected by everyone. 
– Lauren Froh

To read more excerpts like these you can purchase Writing Our Lives here.
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