I have a new post on her.meneutics about the finale to LOST. It begins:

I Once Was ‘LOST’ But Now Am Found

Despite all its syncretistic symbols, the show’s finale depicted one aspect of Christian theology superbly.

My husband and I consciously choose to watch only one television show at a time, which we watch, well, religiously. For the past few years, our show has been Lost. Its dramatic plot and love stories and perpetual mysteries all piqued my interest, but the show, written by a Catholic and a Jew, also played with philosophical and theological themes that kept me coming back for more. Sunday night’s series finale was no exception.


Judeo-Christian language and imagery show up repeatedly. There’s Jacob, who, to pass the mantel of leadership of the island to Jack Shepherd, dips a cup into water and says, “Drink this.” The scene is laden with references to the Last Supper. There’s Jack’s father, Christian Shepherd, who dies and comes to life again, as one of a handful of resurrected characters. Light is the source of all goodness. Miraculous healings abound.

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