The Easter bunny didn’t visit our house yesterday, but we did eat chocolate eggs and drink some champagne. I have a new post at Christianity Today thinking through my responses to “American Easter” and Christian Easter.” It’s called “Caught Between the Easter Bunny and the Empty Grave,” and it begins:
For two weeks now, our kids have been singing, “Hosanna!” Penny, our 4-year-old, sings the whole song: “Hosanna to the King of Kings!” William, 20 months old, just repeats this new, favorite word. We went for a walk yesterday afternoon, and there they were, arms raised, running in circles, singing “Hosanna!” Or in the car, driving to the grocery store, “Hosanna!” In line at the post office, “Hosanna!” We live in a pretty secular neck of the woods. My husband and I find ourselves quieter than we wish when it comes to faith. But our kids give us away all the time…

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