A Catholic friend of mine texted me earlier in the week to remind me it was the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception.” Her message read: “Think about how her (Mary’s) yes shaped our faith.”

I don’t spend much time thinking about Mary, and I suspect this lack of attention is my loss. Nonetheless, I thought about her a bit this week, and it struck me that not only did God become human in the person of Jesus, but God relied upon the willingness of a young woman in order for that plan to take place.
I wrote earlier this week about how the best version of the story is the real story. At this time of year, I’m aware that God doesn’t manipulate the story either. God uses real people in real time to write the best version of the story. It happened 2,000 years ago, and yet, God’s writing continues in the lives of his people. What story is he writing for you? Is it a good one?
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