by Danielle Pergament, executive editor of Allure Here’s the upside to a midlife crisis: black eyeliner. No, obviously, I don’t mean pretty, flattering (office-appropriate!) black eyeliner. I mean the kind of black eyeliner you’d wear if you were having a dance party. On a bar. With Keith Richards. I know of what I speak. No…

Though summer is the season of long, light, hot days, each day actually gets shorter, losing about two minutes of sunlight every 24 hours. Light is not lost lightly. Light equals life for most living things. The grim prospects of life in the dark prod one to take action. To join the solar cheering section…

by Mary Petiet  The power of the divine feminine taps into the power of life. The power is accessible to everyone as the equal opportunity energy surrounding and connecting all living things. The power is ancient, and meditative practices such as yoga, which in Sanskrit means linking to the divine, can connect us to this…

By Sharon Mesmer (Article first appeared in the NYTimes online on 2/11/16, and in the Sunday Review print edition 2/14/16: For some women, menopause is no big deal. Some say they barely notice it. My mother, long ago, described her menopause this way: “My periods just started gettin’ lighter and lighter, and my hormones…

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