I am about to publish the 67th issue of The Queen’s Chronicles, the monthly ezine that offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate and powerful maturity. Each issue of The Queen’s Chronicles features: Hail Queens! Musings and commentary by Queen Mama Donna on…

    Many of you have, I am sure, come across this fabulous writing many times. It speaks to the heart of the matter of women’s dysfunctional relationship to our own power. In my spiritual counseling as a Midlife Midwife™ I dispense this powerful inspiration as a prescription for fear, shyness, self-limiting thinking, self-deprecation and…

Empowerment Several time ago I asked the question “What does power mean to you?” This piece about the empowerment of women was sent to me by Kali Fyre, a sister Queen and reader of The Queen of My Self. It is from her blog, “Awakening the Iris.”   For me, women’s empowerment is really about…

 ‘Midlife Crisis’ Can Become ‘Midlife Opportunity’ By Maggie Lamond Simone      “What do you want to do with your life?” It’s a question I ask my college students this time of year to help them define their goals, and I’m beginning to realize the silliness of the question. It’s almost like asking people casually at…

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