Dr Susan Corso, a sister wise woman Queen from Boston publishes a weekly inspirational gem. She calls this series “Seeds.” (http://www.susancorso.com/Seeds/seeds.htm) This one struck me as being a perfect and perfectly delightful description of the sovereign Self. Seeds XII, 23 Ducklings By Dr. Susan Corso Remember the Ugly Duckling? She’s in one of the Hans…

Just a few days ago I wrote, “The word ‘practice’ also serves to remind us that there is no perfect. Whether we maintain a spiritual practice, a creative practice or a professional practice, we are always in the process of learning, adapting, accommodating, growing and changing. The only end comes when we die. In the…

I am a divine and beautiful being. I choose to live each moment with appreciation and complete acceptance of my own divinity and beauty. I choose to appreciate and accept the beauty in all beings and the perfect divinity in each moment. I open my heart to the possibility of love and benefit from every…

I am about to publish the 67th issue of The Queen’s Chronicles, the monthly ezine that offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate and powerful maturity. Each issue of The Queen’s Chronicles features: Hail Queens! Musings and commentary by Queen Mama Donna on…

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